Antivirus: Last Defense is an infinite top-down survival shooter! You play as a paranoid android, fighting other robots who are infected with a deadly computer virus.

You're trying to destroy as many infected androids as possible, without getting infected yourself! 

Easier said than done, though. There are multiple enemy types, and even bosses will appear. Use the power-ups and two different weapon types to your advantage!

Controls: WASD to move, left click to shoot! Once you have the Laser pistol, you can use Q or E to swap weapons. F to use the Nuke, once you have it and it's fully charged!

Tips: The default weapon and the Laser pistol each have their own advantages! The Laser pistol bullets pierce through enemies, meaning the bullets don't get destroyed when they touch an enemy.  This can be quite useful, as it allows you to take out multiple infected with just one bullet. However, the Laser pistol's bullets are a bit smaller, and the enemies won't drop power-ups when dying to them.

Maybe it could be a good idea to use the default weapon most of the time (as power-ups can be quite useful) and switch to the Laser pistol when you're feeling overwhelmed/have too many enemies on you!

The game gets harder as time goes on, so hang in there!

I recommend checking out the Tips screen on the menu to learn a lot more about the game! 

You can play the HTML5 version right here on the page, or you can download the Windows version!

PlatformsWindows, HTML5
Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Tags2D, Robots, Singleplayer, Top down shooter


Antivirus Last Defense.exe 17 MB

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